Preventative Botox
Want to know the secret to keeping your skin looking young? Preventative Botox can help maintain a beautiful, youthful face by preventing fine lines and wrinkles from appearing. What is Preventative Botox? Before we discuss how Botox can be used preventatively, we should understand what Botox is and why it is used. Botox (also known Read more
What is Hyperhidrosis?
60 percent of adults would be more embarrassed by visible underarm stains than by having bad acne (58 percent) or being overweight (47 percent). *International Hyperhidrosis Society There are many conditions that can affect our day-to-day routines. Many of these conditions target the skin, the hair and glands that can cause a lot of stressful, Read more
Not Just for Wrinkles–Botox Injections and Hyperhidrosis
When Botox injections became one of the most popular methods to remove wrinkles and firm sagging skin, dermatologists started hearing reports from hyperhidrosis patients who received Botox shots for wrinkles that they were not sweating as excessively as they had been prior to receiving Botox injections. Intrigued by the prospect that Botox may be having Read more