

Healthy energy levels are the key to maintaining a high quality of life. A decline in energy typically indicates physiological dysfunctions or other problems within the body. At The Wellness Institute, the possible causes of lackluster energy are explored with comprehensive examinations that focus on patients’ nutrition habits, sleeping patterns, fitness levels and more.
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Sleep Improvement

Proper sleep allows our bodies to restore energy supplies that have been depleted throughout the day. Poor sleeping habits prevent this crucial process from taking place and the negative effects can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including irritability, fatigue and impaired immune response.
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Sexual Health and Dysfunction

Total body wellness encompasses all aspects of physical and mental health. When sexual health is disrupted, other areas of life may also become unbalanced. Specialists at The Wellness Institute address a range of common issues, including performance anxiety and erectile dysfunction, in order to restore patients’ sexual health and confidence. Patients may also be evaluated for hormonal imbalances that impair sexual ability. Once treated, patients can expect vast improvements in this vital aspect of their lives.
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Menopause and Andropause

Adults entering midlife may find difficulty dealing with the hormonal changes that occur as a result of menopause and andropause. The programs at The Wellness Institute improve the quality of life in men and women who are experiencing the inevitable decline of testosterone and estrogen, respectively. During these life changes, most men and women complain of fatigue, memory loss, depression, insomnia, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and more.
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Body Detoxification

Exposure to environmental pollutants, including pesticides and preservatives, wreak havoc on our bodies on a day to day basis. At times, our bodies are at a diminished capacity when it comes to cleansing and removing these harmful toxins on their own. The body detoxification program at The Wellness Institute helps to spearhead this process with a 7, 10 or 28 day detoxification and nutritional program, which includes intravenous and oral antioxidants and detoxification agents.
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