Preventative Botox
Want to know the secret to keeping your skin looking young? Preventative Botox can help maintain a beautiful, youthful face by preventing fine lines and wrinkles from appearing. What is Preventative Botox? Before we discuss how Botox can be used preventatively, we should understand what Botox is and why it is used. Botox (also known Read more
Mohs Surgery
[subtitle]The Complete Guide to Mohs Surgery[/subtitle] Considered the most effective method for removing squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma, Mohs surgery spares healthy skin tissues while eradicating all signs of cancerous activity. According to the American Cancer Society, cure rates for SCC and BCC are nearly 99 percent when the Mohs technique is used to Read more
Removing Moles at Home? Read This First!
Removing Moles by Yourself Can Be Dangerous Before you use that “guaranteed” mole remover cream or decide to perform surgery on yourself by cutting off that offending mole with a razor blade—take a few minutes to read about the health and cosmetic consequences of using so-called removal creams or cutting instruments on that bothersome mole. Read more
Dermatologists Urge Everyone to Take Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Seriously
Concerned that too many people are not taking a diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer seriously enough, dermatologists strongly urge people who have received such a diagnosis to seek substantiated information regarding these types of skin cancers instead of relying on misinformation and misconceptions about non-melanoma skin cancer. Commonly diagnosed non-melanoma skin cancers include squamous cell Read more
Could Melanoma Be Thriving Under Your Tattoos?
Currently, nearly 50 million U.S. citizens have at least one tattoo decorating an area of their body. Millions more will decide to get additional tattoos each year as well. Because of the popularity of tattooing, dermatologists are quickly discovering that people who deliberately choose to conceal a particularly unattractive birthmark or mole with a tattoo Read more
Skin Cancer Treatments Most Performed Procedure in 2012
The American Society for Dermatological Surgery reports that in 2012, more skin cancer treatments were performed than any other treatment related to skin disorders. Nearly three million procedures were implemented on melanomas and precancerous skin lesions, with phototherapy and laser light treatments being the second most performed skin procedure. Soft tissue fillers and neurotoxin injections Read more
Protect Your Skin from the Dangers of Ultraviolet Radiation
The Centers for Disease Control released a recent report asserting that one out of every five individuals living in the U.S. will, at some point in their lives, be diagnosed with skin cancer. Considering the many options we have to use with which to protect ourselves against damaging ultraviolet rays, why is this statistic so Read more